
Abstract JSON Response Servlet


Servlets should extend this class when writing a JSON response. Objects passed to any of the writeJsonResponse methods will be serialized to the response writer using the Jackson data binding library.

Abstract Options Provider Servlet


Base class for providing a list of “options” to a component dialog widget. An option is simply a text/value pair to be rendered in a selection box. The implementing class determines how these options are retrieved from the repository (or external provider, such as a web service).

Abstract Options Data Source Servlet


Base class for supplying a data source to component dialogs using the Touch UI. Implementing classes will provide a list of options that will be made available as text/value pairs to selection dialog elements. Servlets must be annotated with the @SlingServlet(resourceTypes = "projectname/datasources/colors") annotation. The resource type attribute is an arbitrary relative path that can be referenced by dialog elements using the data source. The implementing class determines how these options are retrieved from the repository (or external provider, such as a web service).

Abstract Tag Data Source Servlet


Extends the AbstractOptionsDataSourceServlet and solely focuses on building options from tags within the repository. A basic extension is to provide just the namespace of the tags and the servlet will build a list of options from all direct descendants of that namespace tag. Extending classes may optionally provide a more granular tag path and a custom filter.

Abstract Validation Servlet


Base class for validating component dialog fields. Validation business logic is delegated to the extending class via the abstract isValid() method.

Servlets extending this class should be annotated with the @SlingServlet annotation:

@SlingServlet(resourceTypes = "projectname/components/content/example", selectors = "validator", extensions = "json", methods = "GET")

The component dialog can then make a request to the the validator by defining validator function for the dialog field.

Image Servlet


The image servlet overrides AEM’s default image rendering servlets to provide image resizing and the ability to associate additional named images to a page or component.

For additional details, see the Image Rendering page.

Paragraph JSON Servlet


Selective Replication Servlet


This servlet is exposed via the /bin/replicate/selective path, which can be called from a JavaScript function to trigger a replication action to a specific set of Replication Agents.

var path1 = '/content/dam';
var path2 = '/content/en';

var params = {
    paths: [path1, path2],
    action: 'ACTIVATE',
    agentIds: ['staging', 'publish']

$.post('/bin/replicate/selective', $.param(params, true), function (data) {
    if (data[0][path1] == true) {
        alert('Successfully activated ' + path1);

    if (data[1][path2] == true) {
        alert('Successfully activated ' + path2);

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