Transformers are used during the process of determining the path to the folder into which Component artifacts will be placed. As indicated on the configuration page, the terminal node of the folder path is based on the name of the Component class. The class name is transformed using the transformer specified in the transformerName POM configuration or the default transformer if one is not specified.

Custom Transformers can be defined by defining a new class implementing ComponentNameTransformer annotated by the Transformer Annotation.

Implementing ComponentNameTransformer

The first step is to create a class that implements com.citytechinc.cq.component.dialog.ComponentNameTransformer. The only method that needs to be implemented is transform(String className) which, at project build time, will be passed the name of the Component class to translate.

Adding Annotation

In order to find all available Transformers, the CQ Component Plugin scans all project dependencies for classes annotated by the Transformer Annotation. Along with identifying the class as a Transformer, the annotation exposes the name of the Transformer which will be used in the transformerName POM configuration to indicate that the custom Transformer should be used.


This example will capitalize the class name.

Addition of the Custom Transformer Class

import com.citytechinc.cq.component.annotations.transformer.Transformer;
import com.citytechinc.cq.component.dialog.ComponentNameTransformer;

public class CapitalTransformer implements ComponentNameTransformer {
    public String transform(String className) {
       return className.toUpperCase();

POM Configuration


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