AEM Monitoring provides 3 primary extension points for modifying monitoring behavior.
Monitoring Writer
MonitoringWriter is the service interface used to define OSGi components that write monitoring data to external systems. Each writer must specify a unique name that can be used to apply filters to the writer (see below). See NewRelicWriter for an example implementation.
Monitoring Filter
MonitoringFilter is an service interface that filters and transforms monitoring data that is input via MonitoringService. Monitoring Filters function similarly to Sling Filters in that they provide a scope and an order. The scope is the name of a writer (see above). When a writer is not provided, the filter is applied as the data is input, before any writers are called. See NewRelicFilter for an example implementation.
System Info Provider
SystemInfoProvider is an interface used to provide info about the system providing monitoring data. In a clustered topology, where data is aggregated from several systems, this data is used to sort, facet, and filter data points. See AEMSystemInfoProvider for an example implementation.